Xiaomi Watch Clone Tool

① Mifare Dump

Click "Import" button to import a mifare dump exported from mifare1k.html or other tools like MCT, Proxmark3. Keys in dump will be used to sync with Xiaomi Watch. Dump will be deleted after page closed.

② ChameleonUltra Emulate

Choose a slot and click the "Emulate" button to emulate as non-encrypted tag. Then use Xiaomi Watch to clone the ChameleonUltra.

③ Sync with Xiaomi Watch

After clone, click "Write" button to write original dump to Xiaomi Watch.

Click "Verify" button to compare between dump and Xiaomi Watch (skip block 0).

Click "Read" button to read from Xiaomi Watch (skip block 0). After read, you can click "Export" or "Write" button.