A ChameleonUltra tool to management the device info and settings.
A tool to update ChameleonUltra firmware.
A ChameleonUltra tool to detect the mifare key that reader is authenticating (a.k.a. MFKey32).
A ChameleonUltra tool for mifare class 1k.
, .bin
, .eml
, .mct
files.Keep a few mifare tags in browser with indexedDB.
A tool to scan uid of ISO/IEC 14443-A tags.
for ISO/IEC 14443-A tags.A tool for Xiaomi Watch to clone encrypted Mifare Classic tag.
, .bin
, .eml
, .mct
files.在台灣有些系統會使用 MIFARE Classic 卡片的 value block 來儲存餘額,value block 的 increment/decrement/restore 指令的資料是由 2 個部分所組成,在第 2 部分傳送完成後卡片不會回傳 ACK,所以讀卡機如果在 Timeout 之前沒有收到 NACK,就可以視為執行成功並繼續執行下一個指令。但有些魔術卡需要更多時間來完成指令,否則就會執行失敗,這個工具可以讓你測試卡片是否能夠成功執行 value block 的指令。
In Taiwan, some systems use the value block of MIFARE Classic cards to store balances. The data for the value block's increment/decrement/restore commands consists of two parts. After the second part is transmitted, the card will not return ACK. Therefore, if the reader does not receive a NACK before timeout, it can be considered successful and proceed to the next command. However, some magic cards needs more time to complete the value block's command, otherwise the command will fail. This tool allows you to test whether the card can successfully execute the value block commands.
A tool to emulate EM410x tag, scan from EM410x tag and write to T55xx tag.